Time Management for Hospitality Managers


“Time is what we want most and what we use worst"
William Penn - English writer and Quaker


Course delivery: One day workshop     |    2 x half-day workshops     |     3 x 75-minute virtual sessions 

This workshop focuses on how team leaders and managers can spend more time on the important things and less on the little hassles, allowing them to reach both their work and personal goals. 

The workshop will demonstrate that by making a few strategic changes to their daily planner and their mindset, leaders and managers can achieve this. 

This course can be delivered through a one day or 2 half-day workshops or 3 x 75-minute virtual sessions. 

Why should you attend?

Time is the most important subject there is. The biggest cost in a business is probably time, people’s time, wages. There are only so many hours in a working day - even if you are working long hours - so you want to spend them on the important things and let go of the little hassles, or at least spend as little time on them as possible. 

This workshop will show you how you can organise your day to be able to do more, focus on the important things, such as your teams and your customers, and give you practical tips to work not harder, but smarter.  

Who should attend?

Team leaders and managers, who are busy all the time but seem to never achieve anything important or reach the end of a task, and feel like being in a hamster wheel. 


Key areas to be covered in the course

On this course team leaders and managers will explore and discuss the following: 

How best to use your time 

  • What is Time Management  

  • Making time for success 

  • Reducing the time spent on unimportant tasks 

  • The 5 options to make more time for the important stuff 

  • 3 Personality Drivers and their effect on use of time

Obstacles and how to overcome them

  • Time wasters: what are they, and what can be done about them 

  • Assertiveness and self-discipline  

  • Coping with interruptions – possible tactics 

  • Getting the best from meetings 

Achieving goals and enjoying life

  • Procrastination – practical ideas to defeat it  

  • The objective of time management: Work Achievement and Quality of Life 

  • Focusing on what is important to you and to the organisation 

  • Stress, and the link with time management 

  • Stress questionnaire, and strategies 

Systems and action planning 

  • Physical systems for time management: Lists, diaries etc. 

  • Email and Outlook etc – rules, and tips 

  • The importance of keeping promises 

  • Action plans:  putting the new ideas into action 

  • From Now On I Will … Commitment sheet 



The 3 x 60-minute virtual sessions will cover


Session 1

  • What is time management? 

  • Important vs urgent 

  • Prioritising your tasks 

  • The pickle jar theory

Session 2

  • The 5 options to make more time for the important stuff 

  • The Utility Theory of Happiness 

  • Dealing with interruptions assertively: The 4 Step Process for saying ‘No’ 

  • The 3 personality drivers and their effect on use of time 

Session 3

  • The top 10 tips to defeat procrastination 

  • 4 quick tips about emails 

  • 3 must-have systems to improve your time management 

  • Putting the new ideas into action: action plan and commitment 



Benefits to you

  • Becoming more organised and efficient 

  • Getting more done in your day to achieve your goals 

  • Enjoying reduced levels of stress 

  • Regain control of your day and of your life 

  • Being able to focus on the important things at work and in your life 

  • Getting a better quality of life 

This course is often bought together with our Customer Experience Training for Hospitality Managers – How to Support Your Team,which explores the ways team leaders and managers can support their teams to achieve an excellent and consistent customer experience.

Please contact us today for our range of competitive prices, packages and course details, and to discuss your team's training needs!