Mystery Customer Service


“Unless you have 100% customer satisfaction, you must improve”
- Horst Schultz, founding member of the Ritz Carlton Hotel Company


Delivery: Monthly on-site visits

The Mystery Customer programme measures the customer experience across all the customer touchpoints in your business, and the report will give you the information you need to improve your team’s customer service skills and provide an excellent customer experience consistently.

Why should you choose this service?

Over time our business and premises become so familiar to us that we stop seeing and hearing things; we also may not have the time to put ourselves in our customers’ shoes. A customer’s perspective, will give you a fresh impartial view of the service you offer.  The visit reports from this service, provide detailed valuable and honest feedback, which you may not get from your customers’ comments. 

Who should use this service?

This service is ideal for team leaders and managers, who want to provide specific training to their teams and improve their customer experience. 

What is included in the service?

  • On-going monthly visits as Mystery Customer (we suggest 3 months minimum)
  • Monthly reports highlighting areas of improvement and further training
  • Tailored training needs for your team, focusing on areas of improvement


Benefits to you

  • Objective assessment of the service you and your team provide
  • Impartial feedback on the customer experience you offer
  • Concrete description of service behaviours against specific customers’ expectations
  • Detailed report highlighting areas of improvement and training needs
  • Gives an outsider’s view of your customer service, as a customer would experience it
  • Prevent a bias approach in assessing your team and service
  • Gives you peace of mind and saves you precious time

This service is often bought together with our Customer Journey Mapping Service, and/or book our Customer Experience Training for Hospitality workshop, which provides front line teams with a safe space to explore and understand their customers’ needs and expectations, and the service behaviours they need to demonstrate in order to meet and exceed those expectations.

Please contact us today for our range of competitive prices, packages and course details, and to discuss your team's training needs!