Customer Experience Training for Hospitality Teams


“If we are not customer-driven, our cars won’t be either”
- Donald Peterson, former CEO of Ford Motor Company


Course delivery:   One day workshop     |     2 half-day workshops     |     4 x 90-minute in-house sessions in small groups

This workshop provides a safe space for participants to explore service, understand their customers’ needs, the key customers’ expectations 
and what key service behaviours they need to demonstrate to meet and exceed these expectations.

This course can be delivered through a one day or 2 half-day workshops or 4 x 90-minute in-house sessions in small groups.

Why should you attend?

Now more than ever, customers’ top priority is the quality of the experience they have when they use our services or buy our products. 
It is your role as front line teams to ensure that the customer journey is a positive one. This workshop gives you the tools and skills to help you achieve this.

Who should attend?

This workshop is ideal for front lines teams and supervisors working in hospitality, who want to gain more confidence when interacting with customers 
and improve on their interpersonal skills.


Key areas to be covered in the course

On this course front line teams and supervisors will explore and discuss the following:

Our customers’ expectations and how to meet them

  • What is service and the customer journey
  • Understanding and knowing your customers
  • Your customer’s key expectations and the key service behaviours to display
  • Being able to read our customers’ body language

Supporting and making a difference to our customers

  • Anticipating our customers’ needs and being pro-active
  • Supporting our customers and making a difference to them
  • Going the extra mile and creating moments of magic

Body language and positive attitude

  • Projecting a positive image
  • Key elements of our body language
  • Asking questions and active listening
  • Beginning and ending interactions
  • Checking satisfaction

Complaints and handling difficult situations

  • A complaint is a gift
  • What are you empowered to do?
  • What being empathetic means and why it is important
  • The 5 steps to managing angry customers


Benefits to you

  • Know and understand your customers’ key expectations
  • Demonstrate the key service behaviours in order to meet and exceed these expectations
  • Gain confidence with having friendly and professional positive interactions with customers
  • Learn what to say and what to do to provide an excellent customer experience
  • Learn skills to be able to handle difficult situations when a customer makes a complaint

This course is often bought together with our Customer Experience Training for Hospitality – How to Support Your Team workshop, which explores the ways team leaders and managers can support their teams to achieve an excellent and consistent customer experience.

Please contact us today for our range of competitive prices, packages and course details, and to discuss your team's training needs!