Performance Coaching for Hospitality Team Leaders and Managers


"I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable."
- John Russell, MD Harley Davidson Europe


Delivery: On-going one on one 1-hour virtual sessions

This virtual coaching program consists of monthly one on one session to assist you with managing your team. Guidance, support and tips to improve your leadership skills 
and improve any aspects of managing hospitality teams. 
The content of the sessions is entirely dependent on your goals and the areas of management you feel you need assistance with.

Why should you enrol?

You may be a new manager or an established manager in a new job, who needs further development and support in managing their team. 
These one-on-one sessions will focus on your specific needs to help you work together more effectively and unlock potential in yourself and your team.

Who should enrol?

Team leaders and managers requiring one-to-one support and development.


Benefits to you

Through focusing on your team’s expectations from their manager, the benefits from these coaching sessions will be both to yourself, your team and the business, and would include:

  • Improving their motivation
  • Boosting their engagement
  • Ensuring their personal and professional development
  • Assisting them with reaching their full potential
  • Improving their performance
  • Helping them achieve measurable outcomes 
  • Resulting in increased job satisfaction and performance results

This coaching program is often bought together with our Customer Experience Training for Hospitality – How to Support Your Team workshop.

Please contact us today for our range of competitive prices, packages and course details, and to discuss your team's training needs!