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Performance Coaching for Leaders & Managers

On-going one on one 1-hour virtual sessions

This virtual coaching programme consists of monthly one on one sessions to assist you with managing your team. Guidance, support and tips to improve your leadership skills and improve any aspects of managing hospitality teams.  The content of the sessions is entirely dependent on your goals and the areas of management you feel you need assistance with.



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Mystery Customer Service

Monthly on-site visits

The Mystery Customer programme measures the customer experience across all the customer touchpoints in your business, and the report will give you the information you need to improve your team’s customer service skills and provide an excellent customer experience consistently.



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Customer Journey Mapping

On-site visits

Let us create a made to measure Customer Journey Map on-site, while you focus on your duties and responsibilities. We will need your input in regard to your customer profiles and your system of collecting feedback from them.
The completed Customer Journey Map will be provided, giving you a visual representation of all the information collected, as well as a checklist for you to use as a tool for your on-going checks.