Customer Journey Mapping


“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning”
- Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft


Course delivery: 2 x 75-minute virtual sessions

This virtual course explores the importance of customer journey mapping and explains the different steps to build your own customer journey map, highlighting necessary improvement, giving you the tools to train your teams in specific areas, and improving your overall customers’ experience.

Why should you attend?

How well do you really know your customers and their expectations?
Today, customers simply expect businesses to follow wherever they go. In order to do so, organisations need to understand their customers better so that they can communicate and engage with them more effectively. 
Customer Journey Mapping is an important tool for businesses that want to stay ahead of the game. 

Who should attend?

This course is ideal for team leaders and managers looking to improve their customers’ experience, and who are keen to get involved in creating their own Customer Journey Map. This course will equip them with the necessary tools and tips to develop their own Customer Journey Map.


Key areas to be covered in the course

On this course team leaders will learn:

Session 1

  • What Customer Journey Mapping is
  • Why it is important for their business
  • How to identify the various touchpoints in their business
  • How to identify their customers’ expectations in relation to those touchpoints
  • Practical exercise to carry out on site, ready for session 2


Session 2

  • Practical exercise review
  • The importance of consistently recording customers' feedback
  • How to define the necessary improvements based on customers’ feedback
  • The 4 steps of Customer Journey Mapping
  • How to creating their own customer journey map


Benefits to you

  • Understand the importance for your business, of delivering a frictionless customer experience 
  • Given the tools to create your own customer journey map
  • Explore various ways to compile customers’ feedback
  • Translate customers’ comments into concrete training needs
  • Improve your customers’ experience and satisfaction

This course is often bought together with our Mystery Customer Service, which measures the customer experience across all the customer touchpoints in your business and provides you the information you need to improve your team’s customer service skills, to provide an excellent customer experience consistently.

Please contact us today for our range of competitive prices, packages and course details, and to discuss your team's training needs!