You can't afford not to empower your team


26 Apr 2023


It doesn’t matter what your establishment is

  • Top restaurant

  • Fast food / Sandwich chain

  • Café / Pub

  • Contract caterer

  • Hotel

  • Motel etc.

The whole customer experience must be positive every time.

We know that negative reviews are damaging.

No matter the circumstances,

The customer’s perception of the service is their reality.

If a customer perceived the service they receive as poor,

Then it was poor service.


What the customers may experience:

  • Poor or no welcome
  • Negative body language
  • Disengaged and unmotivated staff
  • Poor communication with the customers
  • Limited staff knowledge
  • Staff not displaying positive service behaviours
  • Poor overall customer service 


We don’t know the reasons employees may be unenthusiastic

But chances are it’s because they are unhappy at work due to

  • Lack of training
  • Working conditions
  • They are not listened to
  • They feel unvalued and unappreciated
  • Poor leadership


These contribute to poor service behaviours,

In turn leading to customer dissatisfaction.

Leadership must pick on this and act quickly.

Many customers won’t complain,

They won’t return nor recommend the business

But they will write damaging negative reviews online.


Here are 3 tips:

  1. Focus on your teams’ training and support

  2. Recognise good work and show your appreciation

  3. Treat negative customer reviews as an opportunity to improve

It may take some time, but you’ll get there if you are consistent.

If you are stuck for ideas, drop me a line and I’ll give you more tips.