What is the cost of bad customer service and lack of training?


24 Feb 2022



A recent customer service and experience research found that 83% of customers say that they are willing to switch brands or companies because of a bad customer service experience. And 79% of customers would do the same because they know another company that will give them a better experience.

Some businesses believe that they can save money by cutting down on training their teams or even not providing it at all. This is a very short-term saving as in the long run, lack of training leads to poor customer service and experience, which in turns leads to loss of customers and revenues.

It is difficult to calculate exactly what a lack of training might cost your business, but it is two folds; the loss of customers, hence loss of revenue, and the loss of employees, who leave because they have become demotivated and disengaged. Do businesses really know the actual cost of recruiting and training new staff?

Dissatisfied customers typically tell 9 to 15 other people about their experience, some tell 20 or more.

Let’s estimate the cost of bad customer service using the calculator below.





If you would like to know how we can help you and your teams, have a look at our courses and services and contact us today. We are always happy to speak to you and discuss your training needs.