We must dream big and achieve our life goals


3 May 2022



“Every child has a dream, to pursue the dream is in every child’s hand to make it a reality. One’s invention is another’s tool…”


Words of Samuel FB Morse, born this day 27th April 1791. Morse was both an accomplished inventor and painter; the latter isn’t so well-known. He developed an electric telegraph, but he will be most remembered, of course for co-developing the Morse Code.


As we get caught up in ‘real’ life, often working long stressful hours, worrying about many things, and mostly about things out of our control, we adults too often abandon our childhood dreams or simply forget about them. Having big dreams, big goals in our lives, private and professional, is vital so that we can grow and be innovative. It is essential to our happiness and wellbeing too. It can be very difficult of course, but perhaps we could once in a while be more like the children we once were, in that respect and many others.

We must carry on dreaming so that we can create, be innovative and be successful like Samuel Morse, one way or another.