Want to avoid negative reviews and increase your rating on Trip Advisor?


23 Mar 2023


Offering great food and value for money is a given, but it’s not enough

You need to prioritise the customer experience

From the moment customers drive into your carpark, they form an opinion of your restaurant

And that first impression  must be a positive one

The customer experience is much more than customer service

Here are 7 basic things you must do…

  1. Listen to customers’ feedback and respond to complaints promptly
  2. Ensure customers have a great positive experience from start to finish
  3. Ensure orders are correct and served with a smile
  4. Train your staff to be courteous and attentive
  5. Maintain a clean and comfortable restaurant atmosphere
  6. Provide menus with clear descriptions and prices
  7. Make sure the food is served in a timely manner

These basics are expected as a matter of fact

In order to wow your customers and increase positive reviews

You need to delight them and pay attention to details

If you need help with improving your customer experience, drop me a line and I’ll give you some tips.