The Milkman - no, not the 1950 comedy movie!


17 Apr 2022


For most people, milk delivered to your door is a thing of the past, rather quaint, only seen in old movies. A few decades ago, it had all but disappeared, at least in large cities; but in recent years and in particular since the Covid pandemic, it has enjoyed a bit of a revival.

Getting a milkman had been in our list of changes to make in our lives, since moving to Newcastle-upon-Tyne from London a year ago. Not a major change, I grant you that, not bucket-list worthy. But getting a couple of pints of semi-skimmed milk delivered to our front door, in glass bottles no less, felt right. Enjoying simple pleasures come with age, I guess. It’s also part of doing our bit to reduce plastic use.

We had found a new kid on the block company, fancy app, cheaper milk etc. Service was fine to start with – you can tell where I am going with this – but soon deliveries were missed, or dumped in the middle of the driveway in full view, empties not collected, and so on. Following several complaints and no improvement, we decided to take our custom somewhere else. We found an ‘old-fashion’ milkman, a one-man band, who has been delivering milk for 39 years. Slightly more expensive but friendly, accommodating, flexible, and most importantly reliable. An essential point in providing deliveries.

The customer experience is his top priority, and his years in the business are a testament to that. No fancy app, no advertising,

business grows from mouth-to-mouth recommendations, milk payment is fortnightly normally by cash, but with the option of paying directly to his bank account. The milk is from a local dairy and as good as the one we used to get before. Of course, the milk costs about three times more than the one bought in supermarkets, but it tastes better. Imagining the milk float slowly driving down our street at the small hours also puts a smile on my face.

He might be a little more expensive, but price isn’t the issue here. The bill includes the enjoyment of fresh milk delivered to our front door, and an excellent friendly yet professional customer service – and the latter is priceless.