This day 3rd June 1924, one of the 20th century’s greatest writers, Franz Kafka died in Kierling just outside Vienna.
There are hundreds of quotes taken from Kafka’s work, but I am reminded about one in particular:
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“Don't bend; don't water it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your most intense obsessions mercilessly.”
As we grow up, we learn by copying and repeating other’s actions and behaviours in order to blend in with our family, our friends, at school, at work, and conform to society’s conventions and standards. This is the natural way of life, and many of us follow that path all of our lives, because of work pressure, personal circumstances and so on. We abandon our passions, our dreams and perhaps our authenticity, and forget about our true self.
Of course, it feels safer to remain in our comfort zone, and easier to follow and fit in, but taking the often quoted less travelled road will lead you closer to your dreams and goals.
I remember all those years ago, leaving family and friends, my job in a small town in France and move to London and start a new life. Some people found it difficult to understand why I would leave a job I liked, surroundings which were familiar to me, and live in a country, a city I barely knew, with a language I barely spoke.
As the road is littered with potholes and obstacles, has plenty of bends, curves and steep hills, you will fall many times, but then you will get up and learn from those falls, making you stronger and smarter for the future. It may be a little scary at first; fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of being isolated even. But follow your intuition, and don’t let those fears hold you back.
Most entrepreneurs and successful people made difficult choices, which may not have been the choices expected
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of them by their families, friends or colleagues, but they followed their own path. You don’t need to be an aspiring entrepreneur to do this. It is important not to compare yourself against others, as it is counterproductive and will likely make you feel miserable. We are all different individuals with different traits, character and skills; be your own person.
To have a truly fulfilling life, both personal and professional, you must live it on your own terms.
Take care and dare to be free to be who you are and what you are.