The buck stops with the team leader …


3 Oct 2022



At the end of the day, when mistakes are made,

The manager or team leader needs to take responsibility.

Whatever the reasons, failure is down to

  • Wrong recruitment processes
  • Low set standards
  • Poor training or lack of training
  • Inadequate leadership and management
  • Negative company culture


So, when a customer suffers a bad experience,

It may be one team member’s mistake,

But it is a leadership or management failure.

Many times, it’s not the food but the customer service, which is the issue.

Look at this posted review,

  1. Given the wrong table and asked to move 10 minutes later
  2. Made to wait again as the new table wasn’t ready
  3. Rude member of staff
  4. Verbally aggressive behaviour

What does this show?

  • Leadership issues
  • Poor organisation
  • Booking system issues
  • Lack of training in customer service
  • Poor staff behaviour
  • Recruitment issues

Of course, we don’t know the whole story,

The restaurant might have been very busy and short staffed,

But nothing can excuse the rudeness and the poor behaviour.

Make sure you address the issues head on.

It takes time, but if you are consistent, you’ll see the improvement.

If you struggle with this, I can help you with my course Customer Experience Training for Hospitality Managers.

If you want to reduce the number of your customer complaints and negative reviews, drop me line or call me.