Let's debunk another myth about customers' complaints


28 Feb 2023


“We rarely get complaints from our customers, so all is good.”
I often hear this from business owners and team leaders.
Here’s the problem…
This is a total delusion 
Let’s look at these astonishing statistics from customer service research

  1. For every 1 customer complaint, there are 26 more unhappy but silent customers
  2. 96% of unhappy customers don’t complain
  3. 91% of those will simply leave
  4. 13% of unsatisfied customers tell more than 20 people
  5. 70% of buying experiences are based on how the customers feel they have been treated

>> Don’t assume that ‘no news is good news’
>> Don’t believe that your ‘silent customers are happy’
It's essential you try and capture your customers' feedback

  • Front line teams asking customers directly
  • Organising customer satisfaction surveys
  • Offering comment cards
  • Install a touchless feedback terminal at key touchpoints
  • Through marketing emails

Be pro-active 

  1. Put in place a strategy to collect your customers’ feedback
  2. Take complaints seriously
  3. Train your teams to deal with customer complaints
  4. Act upon each complaint and make it right for the customer

The benefits are great 

  • You will gather crucial information from your customers’ experiences
  • You will be able to create a detailed plan to address the issues
  • You will show your customers you care and you value them
  • This will empower your teams
  • Customer complaints will decrease
  • More repeat business and more revenue