Let me debunk another myth about employees...


10 Feb 2023


“Out of the blue, one of my best team members gave me her notice.”

Employees don’t quit out of the blue.

There were signs…

But we are sometimes so caught up in our manager’s or team leader’s world,

We don’t notice our teams are unhappy.

But here’s the big revelation for you, it happens to all of us.

So, what can we do?

Simple …

We need to make our teams feel appreciated and valued.

We need to invest in them …

  • Train them
  • Assess, review and coach them
  • Support them
  • Empower them

Just take some time each month to think about each member of our team.

Ask ourselves questions about how they may feel

  • Are they growing?
  • Are they challenged enough?
  • Do they have enough autonomy?
  • Do we thank and praise them regularly?
  • Are they bored by their duties and tasks?
  • Are there skills they want to learn or improve on?
  • Are they really enjoying what they do?

It’s easy to assume that our teams are happy,
because things are ticking along nicely.

But one day it may be too late.

You can do this, it takes practice, but soon enough you’ll get the hang of this.

Don’t lose a good employee because you didn’t pay attention to them.

If you are stuck for ideas on how to empower your teams, just message me and I'll give you some tips.