Learning is the only thing ...


15 Apr 2022


On this day, April 15th 1452, the great Leonardo Da Vinci was born. He was of course a painter, sculpture, inventor, engineer and scientist.

Although not a prolific painter, Da Vinci is best known for his paintings, notably the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper. But it was as an engineer that his exceptional mind and sharp intellect really excelled. He had no formal education, and yet he studied the laws of science and nature.

I admire his body of work and intellect, but I am most fascinated by the fact he was passionately curious and interested in everything; the universe and how people fit in it. His notebooks are full of questions: ‘why is the sky blue?’ or ‘why do people yawn?’

We could all try to learn from Da Vinci a bit more, and perhaps emulate his curiosity and

avid passion for everything around him, his constant desire to learn, and better ourselves and live a richer life for it.


As Da Vinci wrote, I believe that “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fear, and never regrets.”

Have a wonderful life everyone, full of discoveries and passions.