How supportive of your teams are you?


27 Jan 2023


When I ask a manager or a supervisor that question,

I often get the same answers


  • They know what’s expected of them
  • I’m approachable
  • My door is always open
  • I’m not a bad boss
  • I bring them doughnuts at the end of the week

And so on…

Doughnuts are nice … but they are not enough.

What do you actually do to support your teams?

If you don’t nurture them

  • They can’t reach their full potential
  • They will be unhappy
  • They won’t be engaged or motivated
  • They may leave
  • Your customer experience will suffer
  • Your customer satisfaction will decrease
  • You’ll lose business and revenue

Here are a couple of thoughts for you…

1  Empower your eam by giving them more decision-making opportunities
2  Provide them with professional and emotional support

This has many benefits…

  1. It helps your team reach their goals
  2. It motivates and inspires them
  3. It increases morale and confidence
  4. It promotes their growth
  5. They offer great customer experiences
  6. Your customers are happy
  7. Your customers returns
  8. Your revenue increases

If you want more tips to be a more supportive, empowering and better team leader, drop me a line.