Hire the Attitude, Train the Skills…


26 Sep 2023


In the dynamic world of customer service, a key principle stands out as fundamental: it's not just about what

your team knows, but how they approach their role. A positive attitude, a willingness to learn, and a genuine passion for serving others are qualities that can't be taught easily. They are, however, the essential building blocks for creating a customer-centric team that consistently delivers exceptional service.

The Foundation: Attitude Over Aptitude

When considering how to build an outstanding customer service team, the foundation is, undeniably, the attitude of its members. The concept of "hire the attitude, train the skills" is more than just a catchphrase; it's a mantra for success.

Here's why attitude matters:

1. Genuine Enthusiasm

Candidates with a positive attitude bring a level of genuine enthusiasm to their work that's infectious. Their energy is palpable, and it often translates into memorable and engaging customer interactions.

2. Resilience in the Face of Challenges

A can-do attitude is a valuable asset when confronted with challenging customer situations. Team members with a positive mindset are more likely to approach difficulties as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles.

3. Eagerness to Learn

Individuals with a passion for learning are naturally inclined to seek out ways to improve their skills. They're open to training and development, making them ideal candidates for continuous improvement.

4. Empathy and Understanding

A positive attitude often goes hand-in-hand with empathy. Team members who genuinely care about the well-being of customers are more likely to understand their needs and provide empathetic support.

Selecting the Right Fit

The question then arises: How can you identify individuals with the right attitude during the hiring process? Here are some strategies:

  • Behavioural Interviews

Behavioural interview questions are designed to uncover a candidate's past behaviour and attitudes. Asking about their experiences in dealing with challenging customers or team dynamics can reveal insights into their approach and attitude.

  • Role-Play Scenarios

Simulating real-life customer interactions through role-play scenarios can provide a glimpse into how candidates handle different situations. Pay attention to their approach, problem-solving skills, and their ability to remain composed under pressure.

  • Personality Tests

Personality assessments can offer valuable insights into a candidate's temperament, communication style, and interpersonal skills. While no test is foolproof, they can provide additional data for your decision-making process.

From Attitude to Excellence: Training the Skills

Hiring for attitude is a vital first step, but it doesn't end there. The real magic happens when you combine the right attitude with the necessary skills through training and development. Here's how to bridge the gap:

  • Comprehensive Onboarding

Once you've identified candidates with the right attitude, provide them with a thorough onboarding process. This should include an introduction to your company culture, values, and service standards.

  • Ongoing Coaching and Feedback

Regular coaching sessions and constructive feedback are essential for skill development. Encourage your team to embrace learning as an ongoing journey, not a destination.

  • Training Programmes

Invest in training programmes that enhance the specific skills required for your industry and customer service role. These could include communication skills, conflict resolution, and product knowledge.

  • Certifications and Workshops

Consider certifications and workshops that offer recognised qualifications in customer service excellence. These can be powerful motivators for your team to invest in their skill development.

  • Mentoring and Peer Learning

Foster a culture of peer learning and mentorship within your organisation. Experienced team members can provide valuable insights and guidance to newer staff, accelerating their skill development.

The Continuous Improvement Mindset

Remember, excellence in customer service is not a destination; it's a journey. It's about continuous improvement, and that's only possible when you hire individuals with the right attitude and invest in their skills.

  • Feedback-Driven Growth

Encourage your team to actively seek feedback from customers and colleagues. Constructive criticism is a valuable tool for identifying areas for improvement and honing their service skills.

  • Embracing Technology

Leverage technology to enhance training and skill development. Online courses, e-learning platforms, and digital simulations can provide interactive and efficient training experiences.

  • Rewarding Excellence

Recognise and reward outstanding performance. Acknowledging and celebrating your team's achievements not only boosts morale but also motivates them to excel further.

Building a Legacy of Service Excellence

In conclusion, building a customer-centric team that consistently delivers exceptional service starts with hiring the right attitude and then investing in skill development. It's a dynamic process that requires commitment and a continuous improvement mindset.

By selecting candidates with a positive attitude and a passion for serving others, you lay a solid foundation for outstanding customer interactions. Combine this attitude with ongoing training and development, and you create a team capable of not only meeting but exceeding customer expectations.

Remember, the customer service journey is ongoing, and it's one that has the potential to build a legacy of service excellence for your organisation. Hire for the right attitude, train for the skills, and watch your team and your customer satisfaction levels soar.