Have you set your goals for this year yet?


11 Jan 2023


One year has gone, a new year starts …

Will it be different or will it be more of the same?

Perhaps, you have made some New Year resolutions…

Or more sensibly, you have set your goals for the year and beyond.

Professional and personal.

Many have dreams and inspirations.

But without setting clear goals they are likely to remain just that.

Why? You may ask…

  1. Having a clear destination stops you drifting through your life
  2. With a sense of direction, all the small decisions you make every day will take you closer to your goals
  3. Having clear goals makes you more self-disciplined
  4. And more assertive

You’ll be more likely to use systems

  • Job-to-do list
  • Master list
  • Using your diary effectively
  • Writing everything down
  • Following up on people who promised you things

You’ll be more likely to use skills like

  • Negotiating
  • Delegating
  • Saying ‘no’
  • Prioritising
  • Overcoming the urge to please people

So, you see, setting and working on your goals

Will make you more likely to achieve them.

Here’s to a great productive year!