Fed up with a disengaged and demotivated team?


12 May 2023


As a team leader or manager, it can be challenging to keep your team motivated and engaged. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your team can become disengaged and unmotivated. But have you considered that it might start at the top?


Whether you're a first-time team leader or a seasoned manager, it's easy to feel unsure where to start, especially when you're juggling multiple tasks and focusing on customers and numbers.

But there is a solution:

You need to focus on your team. When you take care of your team, they'll take care of your customers, to paraphrase Richard Branson, your employees must come first, not the customers.

In this post, I explore why it's essential to focus on your team and how you can inspire and engage them.

As a hospitality customer experience trainer, I've worked with team leaders and managers struggling to inspire demotivated teams. Through my experience, I've learned that one of the most effective ways to engage a team is to trust and value them. Your team members are not just employees; they are human beings with unique needs and aspirations. By showing them that you value their input and ideas, you can help them feel more engaged and motivated.

Another critical aspect of engaging your team is assessing and training them. Your team members need to feel that they're growing and fulfilling their potential. Providing regular feedback and training opportunities can help your team members develop new skills and take on new challenges.Re-engaging a disengaged team can be a daunting task, but it's not impossible. With the right mindset and approach, you can help your teams rediscover their love for their job. As a result, they'll be be

crucial to understand that this starts with you. By focusing on your team and showing them that you value their input, providing regular feedback and training opportunities, and re-engaging them, you can create a happier, more productive team that delivers exceptional service.

If you're struggling to engage and motivate your team, don't hesitate to reach out for help. As a customer experience and service trainer in hospitality, I'm here to support you in inspiring your team to achieve their full potential.

Book a free discovery call on my Calendly today to learn more.