Don't let fear get the better of you


17 Feb 2023


We often don’t do things because of some kind of fear

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Fear to fail
  • Fear of not knowing how to do it
  • Fear of stepping out of our comfort zone
  • Fear to look stupid

We talk ourselves into not doing things

  • I am not good enough
  • I am going to mess it up
  • I am going to fail
  • I am going to embarrass myself

Thing is …

  • We all have doubts
  • We all fall at some point
  • We all make mistakes
  • Bad days and set backs will happen
  • Nobody is great at everything
  • We are only human

So …

Don’t be too hard on yourself
Believe that you can do it
Learn, get info and practice
Don’t try to be perfect
Be yourself
And dare to dream …