Customers love complaining ...


18 Jan 2023



Let me debunk one of the biggest myths about customer complaints.

I sometimes hear the excuse from some businesses that customers complain because either,

  1. They love complaining
  2. They are after a free meal
  3. They are too demanding
  4. Some people aren’t happy if they don’t complain
  5. They want to show off in front of their mates

Here’s the problem…

That’s a complete misconception.

There may be many reasons why customers complain,

But the top three are

  • Poor customer service
  • Rude Staff
  • Not listening to customers

Here’s the reality…

The vast majority of people don’t complain about a bad experience

They leave and never come back.

So, it really makes sense to take customers who complain seriously.

Keep this in mind, complaints…

  • Are a gift
  • Are the greatest source of learning
  • Show us that our customers care
  • Show us where we fail
  • Show us where we need to improve

So, take the opportunity of a complaint to improve your service offer

And turn an unhappy customer into a loyal regular one.