Are you trying everything but still losing customers?


9 Dec 2022


I’ve met many business owners and managers struggling with this …

...and I can help you.

If you’ve tried and failed lots of things, let me tell you how I approach it.

Customers aren’t just looking for good food at a decent price when they
go to the restaurant.

They want to be delighted and have a great positive experience.

What you need to do is this:

  • Know and understand your customers, and their expectations
  • Ensure your teams display the positive service behaviours to meet   and exceed your customers’ expectations
  • Ensure that all the customer journey touchpoints are positive ones
  • Provide excellent customer service consistently 

Every time a customer interacts with us, they form an opinion of us and our service.

Does it meet their expectations?

And each of these touchpoints can form a positive or a negative impression.

But for these to work, you need to focus on the following:

  • Train your teams
  • Empower your teams
  • Don’t take your customers for granted

I know, I worked in hospitality for years.

Now, I deliver courses and workshops in customer experience for hospitality front-line teams and team leaders, and leadership development.

Providing a positive customer experience each time, is about engaged, motivated and trained teams.

If you want your customers’ feedback to always be positive, drop me a line or book a free 30-minute call here