Are you keeping in touch with your guests?


9 Aug 2023


Once they've checked out of your hotel, it's easy to think that the job is done and move on to the next guest. However, neglecting post-stay communication can have a significant impact on guest experience and your business's reputation.

In order to ensure an award-winning guest experience, it is crucial to maintain engagement with your guests even after they've left your premises. Effective post-stay communication can help ensure that guests come back and spread positive word-of-mouth about your business. So, don't fall at the last hurdle and discover how you can excel in this crucial aspect of guest service.

One common pitfall is the lack of follow-up with guests. Failing to reach out to guests after their stay can leave them feeling unappreciated or forgotten. To overcome this issue, consider implementing automated follow-up systems. You can use technology to send personalised follow-up emails or messages to guests, expressing gratitude, inquiring about their experience, and providing an opportunity for feedback. By implementing such systems, you not only ensure consistency in your communication but also show guests that their opinions are really valued and appreciated.

Another challenge is the delayed response to guest feedback. When guests take the time to provide feedback or share their concerns, a delayed response can make them feel unheard or unimportant. To address this issue, it is essential to prioritise timely responses to guest feedback. Establish a protocol that assigns dedicated staff members to monitor and respond to feedback promptly. Acknowledge the guest's input, apologise if necessary, and provide meaningful resolutions. Swift and empathetic responses not only help retain guest loyalty but also demonstrate your commitment to excellent service.

Failure to address guest concerns can also have a detrimental impact on your business. Guests expect their concerns to be acknowledged and resolved, and failing to do so can lead to negative reviews and a damaged reputation. To effectively address guest concerns, it is crucial to develop a comprehensive guest recovery strategy. Train your staff on active listening, problem-solving, and conflict resolution techniques. Empower them to make decisions that will quickly resolve guest issues and ensure their satisfaction. Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of your strategy and make improvements based on feedback and emerging trends.

Additionally, ineffective feedback requests and surveys can hinder your ability to gather valuable insights from guests. If your feedback processes are poorly designed or overwhelming, guests may be less inclined to provide their opinions. To overcome this challenge, streamline and optimise your feedback processes. Make your requests and surveys concise and user-friendly, focusing on specific aspects of the guest experience that are most impactful. Use multiple channels, such as email, online surveys, or in-person conversations, to cater to guests' preferences. Regularly review and analyse feedback data to identify trends and make necessary improvements.

If you are not currently sending feedback requests or surveys, why not? You are missing out on an excellent opportunity to know what your guests really think and build on guests’ relationships.

Addressing the issues of lack of follow-up communication, delayed response to guest feedback, failure to

address guest concerns, and ineffective feedback requests and surveys is crucial for providing exceptional guest experiences and maintaining a positive reputation.

By implementing these suggested practical solutions, and creating your own, you can cultivate a culture of attentiveness, responsiveness, and continuous improvement. Proactively enhancing your guest experiences, building strong guest relationships, and differentiating yourself in a competitive industry will be possible by refining your practices to create unforgettable moments and lasting impressions for your valued guests.

Remember, outstanding guest service extends beyond their stay, and effective post-stay communication plays a vital role in creating a memorable experience. So, make it a priority to stay connected with your guests and leave a lasting positive impression.