Are you feeling the strain of a demotived team?


18 Apr 2023



You’ve seen the signs…

They lack energy

There’s no enthusiasm

They’re not smiling

They’re late

They call in sick often

Staff turnover is high

Customers’ complaints are up

Customers’ reviews are poor…


But what’s the matter, you may ask...       

Chances are, they don’t feel empowered 

Perhaps the work culture is the cause



Employees don’t feel…

listened to


trained or coached

praised or recognised

trusted or supported…

Are you truly empowering your teams?



Look at these three statements,

  1. I feel confident to allow my team to make decisions on their own to ensure customer satisfaction
  2. I don’t blame team members if they make ‘wrong’ decisions
  3. I coach my team on the decisions they have taken

Can you honestly answer ‘yes’ to each of them?


If you can’t, then it’s time you started to truly empower your teams

It can be hard to start with, but with persistence, in time you’ll get there.

The benefits will be amazing, for your teams, your customers, yourself and the business.


Struggling and want more tips on how to be a more empowering team leader?

Drop me a line to know more, or book a FREE discovery call on my Calendly