7 steps to learn from our mistakes


3 Mar 2023


  1. We learn from reading, doing courses or watching videos
  2. We also learn others, training and practising
  3. But we learn much more by actually doing and from our mistakes
  • Making mistakes is a great learning opportunity
  • Mistakes teach us something we didn’t know
  • They are inevitable but we can turn them into positive outcomes
  • We can improve our knowledge and skills by finding the lessons from our mistakes

1  Acknowledging your mistake 
It shows you’re willing to take responsibility for it
It indicates you're using it as an opportunity to improve

2  Reflect on the mistake
Think about what went wrong
What could you have done differently?

3  Learn from the experience
Analyse the mistake
Try to understand the underlying causes

4  Take responsibility
Own up to your mistake
Commit to making things right

5  Make a plan
Mistakes point out the skills we need to improve on
Think about what steps you can take to prevent making the same mistake

6  Take action
Put your plan into action
Make sure to follow through on your commitments

7  Share the lessons you've learnt with others
So people can learn from your mistakes and you from theirs

Remember, taking action is the only way to turn your mistake into a learning opportunity