7 signs your team isn't performing well


7 Apr 2023


Unhappy and untrained teams don’t make positive customer experiences.

Team leaders and managers must observe, assess and coach their teams.

Here are 7 things to watch out for...

1  Poor customer service

  • Consistent negative customer feedback about the service is a sure sign that your team is not performing well.

2  Inconsistent food quality

  • Can be a sign that kitchen staff are not properly trained or motivated.


3  Long waiting times

  • For food or service can be a sign that your team is not adequately staffed or properly trained to handle the volume of customers.


4  Complaints about staff

  • If customers are complaining about your staff attitude or behaviour means that your team is obviously not providing good customer service.


5  Lack of team cohesion

  • If team members don't seem to be working well together, it may be a sign that they are not properly trained or motivated.


6  High absenteeism & staff turnover

  • Indicates that your teams aren’t happy with their jobs, their work environment, or working conditions.


7  Low sales

  • Consistently low restaurant sales or room occupancy rates may be a sign that your team isn’t effectively promoting your business due to poor service behaviours.

>> Signs your team lack the skills and knowledge to perform their jobs show that they aren’t      receiving proper training and development.

>> Signs of disengagement and demotivation show a lack of empowerment and good leadership.

>> You must address the issues immediately to avoid further complaints and negative reviews.

If you need suggestions on how to engaged your team or about customer experience training, drop me a line and I’ll give you some tips.