6 essential roles of leadership


24 Jul 2022


Being a leader does not mean that you know everything nor that you do everything better than everyone else. This is a reason why a leader must create a team of individuals with different personalities, expertise, roles and talents.

In our ever-changing times and an extremely competitive market, more than ever leaders must stay up-to-date with their skills and assume many responsibilities, in order to stay ahead of the curve and lead successful teams.

Here are 6 essential roles of leadership:

Creating a vision - It is essential leaders have a sense of purpose and direction for their business. And it is crucial they share that vision with their teams clearly, so everyone is on board.

Executing strategy - Having a great vision and strategy is not enough; leaders must ensure they execute the strategy successfully so that they can realise their vision. They must commit to the strategy plan and constantly communicate clearly with their teams.

Leading change - Leaders need to be able to explain plainly to their teams why the change is necessary, what each member of the team will have to do in order for the change to be successful, and what impact it will have on them.

Inspiring and motivating - Without inspiration and motivation, the workplace will slowly but surely become disengaged and unhappy. A great leader will have the ability to encourage and motivate their teams so that they can flourish and reach their full potential.

Empowering people - It is crucial leaders empower their teams, so that they remain engaged and actively encouraged to be innovative and enthusiastic about their work and the business. *Click on the link to watch our short video ‘Why it makes sense to empower your teams’

Developing talents - Training is an essential expectation of your employees, and it is the leaders’ responsibility to nurture their teams; they must make professional development part of their company culture, so that teams develop their skills, grow and achieve their goals.



I will close with a quote from John Quincey Adams, 6th US President, 

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”