5 ways to a happier life


31 Mar 2023


There’s an informal French expression that very simply expresses our lives

Metro - boulot - dodo

Which we can be literally translated by commute - work - sleep

Although it doesn’t quite capture that sense of repetitiveness

And I think it is much more poetic in French

Yes, I am biased.

We often live to work and we could be happier

If we slowed down a bit and actually lived.


So, let me share 5 ways to a happier life …

1  Make time for yourself

  • Taking breaks and doing things that make you happy can help you stay motivated and productive
  • Having activities that you enjoy can help you to stay creative and engaged

2  Spend more time with family and friends

  • Having relationships with people you love and trust can help you to feel supported and appreciated


3  Practice gratitude

  • Taking time to appreciate the good things in your life can help you to stay positive and optimistic


4  Learn to forgive

  • Letting go of grudges and resentment can help you to move forward and be happier
  • And don't forget to forgive yourself too


5  Help others

  • Doing something kind for someone else can make you feel good about yourself and your life

Easier said than done, I grant you that

Sometimes I should follow my own advice more too

But some people manage it, so why can’t we?

As a certain Jerry Springer used to say ...

Take care of yourself, and each other