3 reasons we don’t empower our teams …


14 Nov 2022



... and what to do about it.

1. We are afraid of losing control

  • We need to learn to let go of some control
  • We should delegate tasks to them

2. We are not encouraged to do so

  • We need to be part of the company culture change
  • We need to lead the change if we are in charge

3. We don’t trust our teams completely

  • We must trust our teams more
  • We must support them to take on more responsibilities

The benefits are amazing …

  • Greater motivation and engagement
  • Better staff retention and results
  • Lower sickness leave and happy teams
  • Happy customers !
  • Repeat business
  • Increased revenue

You can do this, it takes practice, but with time and dedication you’ll get the hang of this.

If you are stuck for ideas, drop me a line and I'll give you some tips.