“I struggle with achieving all I need to do in my day”


19 Oct 2022


Here’s what I say to people who worry they can’t cope with too many tasks on their hands…

Give yourself a break!

Everybody struggles with too many tasks they can’t handle.

But here’s the big revelation for you, everybody struggles until they make a change.

Like you, I used to stress about not being able to achieve all I had to by the end of the day.

It took me ages to realise this, but by making a few simple changes in my routine,

I was able to do more and feel I was finally achieving something.

Try this,

  • Focus on the important tasks instead of the urgent, often unimportant ones
  • Stop multi-tasking NOW. It’s doesn’t work.
  • Write a to-do list at the end of your day for the following one
  • Set a daily 30-minute slot for yourself, to think, plan and do
  • Learn to say ‘no’
  • Delegate more

A huge bonus is,

Getting more time to do the things that take you closer to your goals,

and the things that make you happy!

Of course, you’ll still have to deal with some urgent stuff, crises and so on, but trust me, it will make a real difference to your life.

If you are stuck for ideas, just message me, I'll give you some tips.