“I can’t get my teams to be motivated”...


10 Oct 2022


I’ve heard this from team leaders and small business owners a few times.

Here’s what I tell them,

You simply can’t make people motivated, engaged or happy at work.

It doesn’t work that way.

It can be really frustrating, I know.

We all want our teams to feel happy at work.

Thing is…

The number of employees who feel disengaged at work is shocking.

That’s because of,

  • Constant supervision
  • Few opportunities to grow
  • No decision-making chances
  • No responsibility given
  • Being only motivated through pay rise and bonus

So, what can you do?

Simple …

You can’t make them motivated or happy,

But you can create a working environment which promotes

  1. Positivity
  2. Engagement
  3. Motivation
  4. Happiness

How can I do that, I hear you ask?

Well, you could try,

  • Involving them more in your decisions
  • Giving them ownership of a project, a task - delegate
  • Giving them more autonomy in their work
  • Asking for their feedback
  • Stretching and challenging them so they fulfil their potential

It will take time and effort, but if you persevere,

you will soon see them become happier and more engaged.

If you ever get stuck for ideas, drop me a line and I’ll give you some tips.